Happy Tails

HSLM Happy Tails

We know you follow the journeys of our animals and care about their futures as much as we do. Take a moment to enjoy some of HSLM’s happy tails! If you have a happy tail of your own to share, we'd love to hear it at adoptions@hslm.ca.

Wriggly, formerly known as Saffron, is living his best life! When he was first adopted, he was shy and timid, but now he’s confident, social, and quite vocal! He loves snuggling up for naps in his human’s bed and has developed a serious love for food. In fact, he’s been known to sneak a bite or two from his human’s plate – what a little trickster!

After 572 days in our care, Misty has found her forever home! She’s a pro at napping on her human’s lap and can stay there for hours. One of her favorite activities? Lounging in the windowsill, soaking up the sun, and keeping an eye on the birds outside. Misty also loves playing with her cat toys, and will manage to keep herself entertained, especially with her favorite cat ball!

Remember Ash, who was found in front of a gas station before coming into our care? Well, she’s now living her best life! Sweet Ash is loving her new home, especially playing in the snow and running around in it. She also has a new cat sibling, and they’re getting along wonderfully—often snuggling up for naps together!

Esme, now going by Evelyn, is settling in perfectly and seems to love her new home! She was a little spicy for the first few days, but now she’s 90% less fiery—though she still has that sassy attitude, which just adds to her charm. Evelyn is obsessed with Pom Poms, enjoys sitting in the windows, and sleeps with them every night, taking up as much room as possible in our queen-size bed.

Kiara, now Lucy, is thriving with her new family! She was a bit skittish at first but warmed up quickly. Now she’s sweet, snuggly, and full of zoomies. She quickly mastered the litter box and transitioned to her new feeding schedule with ease. Lucy loves her new window hammock, where she enjoys watching the world and keeping her human's company while they work from home!

Pippa, formerly Berlioz, has settled in wonderfully and become a big part of her new family. She’s playful and full of energy, especially enjoying her spot by the window to watch birds. Despite all the toys she’s been given, Pippa loves playing in cardboard boxes and the bathtub. She also has a sweet, cuddly side—she loves snuggling up close, often right on her human’s neck. Pippa keeps her family laughing every day.

Coco is living the good life! Her family is learning more about her sweet personality every day, and they say it’s been a rewarding experience to watch her settle in. She loves playing in the snow, which has quickly become one of her favourite activities. She enjoys watching the world go by from the window, especially when something catches her attention.

Maxx, now named Jasper, is now an American Citizen! Jasper's family came all the way from Ohio to adopt him! After over 12 hours of driving, Jasper finds himself in his new, forever home. He enjoys going to work with his parents, playing with his sister, Lola, and hanging out with his family.

Caramel and Daisy are doing amazing! They instantly bonded when they arrived at their new home and are settling in beautifully. The kids in the family have taken on caretaker roles, making sure they’re fed, cleaned, and getting plenty of socialization every day.

Moo, who was adopted at 19 years old, is doing fantastic! She’s a super cuddle bug and loves attention but definitely lets her family know when she’s had enough! 😆 Moo usually sleeps on the couch, and occasionally joins her family in bed for the night. Her family is really enjoying having Moo as part of their home; she’s already captured their hearts.

Franklin, aka Frankie, is doing great! He goes on plenty of walks each day while working on his training. Frankie has made many dog friends and is particularly fond of the family’s dog, Dug. Since both of his parents are private pilots, Frankie went on his first plane ride and slept the whole time (they made sure to use special ear protection for him). They’re excited to have a new adventure buddy and plan to take him everywhere, so they’re happy he’s unphased by the plane.

Trip became a constant companion almost immediately. He would go on visits to the long-term care facility every day and brought so much joy to all the residents. Trip also loves going to his grandkids' hockey games, sitting quietly in his stroller, and even wearing the team colours. He enjoys playing ball with a Golden Retriever, short walks, jumping in the snow, and burrowing under covers at night. He's great with kids, most dogs, and even tolerates the foster cat, as long as it doesn't get more attention than him.

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